18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
17-22 March 2024| Glasgow, Scotland
European Association on Antennas and Propagation

Conference Manuals and Conference App
Here you will find a short and the full version of the Conference Manual as well as details of the EuCAP 2024 App.
Conference App: We strongly encourage you to download the EuCAP 2024 app, which will provide a quick and easy way to find sessions, mark in your diary the papers you wish to attend, view details about each sponsor and exhibitor and provide general information about the conference. The Mobile App is designed to navigate through the conference and plan your schedule. It is available on the Android and Apple app stores, you can access it by scanning the QR code below or searching for “EuCAP 2024” at your preferred app store.

February 27, 2024: EuCAP2024 Best Papers Awards Nominations
February 27, 2024: EuCAP2024 Technical Programme is online

Organized by EurAAP

Supporting Institutions

Bronze Sponsors